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কিছু প্রয়োজনীয় ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস প্লাগইন ডাউনলোড লিঙ্ক
যেসব প্লাগইন আপনাকে (যদি ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস ব্যবহার করেন) অবশ্যই ব্যবহার করতে হবেঃ
- Akismet – best guard against comment spam for WordPress blog!
- WordPress Database Backup – This plugin is a life saver when things go wrong! It allows on-demand backup of your WordPress database.
- Wp CopyProtect - Protect your blog content from getting copied. A simple plug-in developed to stop the Copy cats
█ আজেবাজে কমেন্ট বন্ধ করার জন্য প্লাগিন্সঃ
- Akismet – intelligently blocks spam comments. Checks your comments against the Akismet web service to see if they are spam or not.
- Bad Behavior – is a set of PHP scripts which prevents spambots from accessing your site by analyzing their actual HTTP requests and comparing them to profiles from known spambots.
- WP-Contact Form with Spam Protection – creates a contact form on your blog, through which your readers can contact you easily.
- Defensio is a spam filtering web service to block comment spam.
- Digital Fingerprint – useful for detecting content theft.
█ সার্চ ইঞ্জিন অপ্টিমাইজেসন (SEO) বিষয়ক প্লাগিন্সঃ
- WordPress SEO by Yoast – Yoast’s all in one SEO solution for your WordPress blog: SEO titles, meta descriptions, XML sitemaps, breadcrumbs & much more.
- All in One SEO Pack – Out-of-the-box SEO for your WordPress blog. If you are using the “WordPress SEO by Yoast” plugin then don’t install this one.
- Google XML Sitemaps – This plugin generates a XML-Sitemap compliant sitemap of your WordPress blog. This format is supported by Ask.com, Google, YAHOO and MSN Search.
- Permalink Redirect – replies a 301 permanent redirect, if requested URI is different from entry’s (or archives) permalink. It is used to ensure that there is only one URL associated with each blog entry.
- Head META Description – Insert HTML META description tags using post excerpts.
- Enforce www. Preference – will help preserve your permalinks by enforcing your no-www or yes-www preference and will strip off index.php from the ends of URIs.
- Broken Link Checker – monitors and notifies you for broken links on your blog.
- Quick META Keywords – will automatically add META Keywords tags to every single post based on categories under which the article is categorized.
█ ব্লগের স্ট্যাটাস সম্পর্কিত প্লাগিন্সঃ
- Google Analytics for WordPress – This plugin makes it simple to add Google Analytics with extra search engines and automatic clickout and download tracking to your WordPress blog.
- WordPress.com Stats – Tracks views, post/page views, referrers, and clicks. This plugin requires a WordPress.com API key to function.
█ ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস এর ডাটাবেজ সংক্রান্ত প্লাগিন্সঃ
- WordPress Database Backup - এই প্লাগইন টির বিস্তারিত জানার জন্য একটু কষ্ট করে এখানে ক্লিক করতে হবে।
- WP-DBManager – Lets you to optimize database, repair database, backup database, restore database, delete backup database , drop/empty tables and run selected queries.
█ ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস ব্লগে পোস্ট করার কিছু জটিল প্লাগিন্সঃ
- Share This – lets your visitors to add your post to various social bookmarking sites, or send a link via e-mail to a friend.
- Sociable – automatically add links to your favorite social bookmarking sites on your posts, pages and in your RSS feed.
- WP-Email – Allows people to recommend/send your WordPress blog’s post/page to a friend.
- WP-PostRatings – Adds an AJAX rating system for your WordPress blog’s post/page.
- Viper’s Video QuickTags – easy posting of videos from various websites such as YouTube, DailyMotion, Vimeo etc.
█ ব্লগের সিকিউরিটি বিষয়ক প্লাগিন্সঃ
- LoginLockdown – Login LockDown records the IP address and timestamp of every failed WordPress login attempt. If more than a certain number of attempts are detected within a short period of time from the same IP range, then the login function is disabled for all requests from that range. This helps to prevent brute force password discovery.
█ ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস অ্যাডমিন প্যানেল ম্যানেজমেন্ট বিষয়ক প্লাগিন্সঃ
- PodPress – adds lots of features designed to make WordPress the ideal platform for hosting a podcast.
- TinyMCE Advanced – adds 16 plugins to TinyMCE, the WordPress wysiwyg editor. Adds over 40 new buttons to the toolbar, which is now two rows plus one hidden row.
- Exec-PHP – allows php tags inside the content or excerpt of your posts and pages to be executed just as in usual PHP files.
- Photo Dropper – lets you add free photos (Flickr / Creative Commons) to your blog posts without leaving WordPress.
- WordPress.com Stats – Tracks views, post/page views, referrers, and clicks. Requires a WordPress.com API key.
- Admin Drop Down Menu – eliminates the need for this double clicking on the Admin screens by allowing you to see the second level menu just by placing your mouse over a main menu.
- Maintenance Mode Plugin – Adds a splash page to your blog that lets visitors know your blog is down for maintenance. Logged in administrators get full access to the blog including the front-end.
- Theme Test Drive – allows you to safely test drive any theme on your blog as an administrator, while visitors continue to see the default one.
█ ই কমার্স বিষয়ক প্লাগিন্সঃ
- WordPress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart – is a very easy to use plugin that allows you to sell products or services online in one click from your WordPress blog. Very useful when you want to sell eBooks or digital products from various posts and pages and need a WordPress Shopping Cart solution.
- WP Easy Paypal Payment Accept – This is a very easy to use WordPress plugin to Accept donation or Paypal payment for a service or a product in one click. Handy when you are trying to put a customized donation option in the sidebar of your blog.
- WordPress eStore – This lugin provides a complete solution to sell digital products securely from your wordpress blog.
█ ওয়ার্ডপ্রেসে ক্যাশিং বিষয়ক প্লাগিন্সঃ
- W3 Total Cache – The fastest and most complete WordPress performance optimization plugin. After you use the w3 total cache plugin you won’t go back to using WP Super Cache.
- WP Super Cache – WP Super Cache is a static caching plugin for WordPress. It generates html files that are served directly by Apache without processing comparatively heavy PHP scripts. By using this plugin you will speed up your WordPress blog significantly.
█ ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস ব্লগের সাইডবার/নেভিগেশনবার বিষয়ক প্লাগিন্সঃ
- Related Entries – Returns a list of the related entries based on active/passive keyword matches. Increase pageviews by providing targeted related content.
- Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) – gives you a list of posts and/or pages related to the current entry.
- WP-PageNavi – Adds a more advanced page navigation to WordPress, which is very useful for navigation on index and category pages.
- Evermore – Abbreviate all posts when viewed on multiple post pages. Helpful to create expandable posts summaries in WordPress. Combine with Less that changes the (more) link so it displays the entire post, not just the part after the “more”.
- Random Redirect – Allows you to create a link to a random post on your blog. Lets readers browse in a StumbleUpon-like fashion.
- WP-Cumulus – displays your tags and/or categories in 3D by placing them on a rotating sphere
- Lightbox JS Plugin – used to overlay images on the current page into neat Javascript-powered overlay popups.
- Homepage Excerpts – Gives flexibility to use both full posts and excerpts on the homepage.
- WordPress Mobile Edition – shows an interface designed for a mobile device when visitors come to your site on a mobile device.
- Popularity Contest – keeps a count of your post, category and archive views, comments, trackbacks, etc. and uses them to determine which of your posts are most popular.
- Extended Live Archive – implements a dynamic, AJAXified way of digging into the archives of a blog.
- Clean Archives – designed to display your archive listings in a clean and uniform fashion. It lists the Month / Year, the day of the month the article was published, the title of the article, and the number of comments that have been made on each article.
- Custom Query String – set the number of posts (custom queries) for every single page on your website like categories, archives, or search results pages.
- KB Advanced RSS Widget – a wordpress widget that gives you complete control over how RSS feeds are parsed for your sidebar.
- Permalinks Migration Plugin – safely change your permalink structure without breaking the old links to your website or affecting your search engine rankings.
█ আর.এস.এস বিষয়ক প্লাগিন্সঃ
- FeedBurner FeedSmith – This plugin detects all ways to access your original WordPress feeds and redirects them to your FeedBurner feed so you can track every possible subscriber.
- Add to Any: Subscribe Button – Helps readers subscribe to your blog using any feed reader.
- Category Specific RSS Menu – A simple WordPress plugin to add category specific RSS subscription menu into your posts, pages, sidebars. Very handy when your blog covers multiple topic from non related subjects. This plugin was developed by me.
- FD Feedburner – Redirects the main feed and optionally the comments feed to Feedburner.com
- Simple Feed Copyright – adds a simple copyright notice to full text wordpress feeds.
█ ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস টুইটার প্লাগিন্সঃ
- TweetSuite – integrates Twitter with your blog with server-side TweetBacks, ReTweet-This buttons, digg-like Tweet-This Button, automatic tweeting of new posts etc.
- WP Twitip ID – Lets users add their twitter username to the comment form
- Check out more top Twitter plugins
█ আপনার মেম্বারদের সাথে যোগাযোগ বিষয়ক প্লাগিন্সঃ
- cforms – cforms II is the most customizable, flexible & powerful ajax supporting contact form plugin.
- WP Contact form – WP Contact Form is a drop in form for users to contact you.
ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস ব্লগটিকে এক ভাষা থেকে অন্য ভাষায় রুপান্তর করা বিষয়ক প্লাগিন্সঃ
- Global Translator – Translate your blog into multiple languages in a search engine friendly way.
- Translator Plugin Pro – provides automatic machine translation of your blog in 13+1 languages. Costs $30.
█ সোশ্যাল নেট ওয়ারকিং বিষয়ক প্লাগিন্সঃ
- Sociable – Automatically add links to your favorite social bookmarking sites on your posts, pages and in your RSS feed.
- Share This – This is a very useful plugin that allows your visitors to share a post/page with others. Supports e-mail and posting to social bookmarking sites.
█ গুগল অ্যাডসেন্স বিষয়ক প্লাগিন্সঃ
- plugin to insert Google Adsense to your posts, pages and sidebar. This plugin was developed by me. (Visit the authors website)
- Adsense-Deluxe – Place Google AdSense ads in your WordPress Posts. Capable of handling complex adsense management.
█ ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস ব্লগে বিজ্ঞাপন দেওয়ার প্লাগিন্সঃ
- Ad Rotator – Rotates Ads randomly from a specified text file.
- AdSense-Deluxe – is a WordPress plugin offering advanced options for managing the automatic insertion of Google AdSense or Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) ads to your WordPress posts. More Google Adsense WP plugins.
- Buy Me a Beer – allows your readers to donate money to you via PayPal on pretext of buying a beer.
- WordPress BankRoll – offers to help you cut out the middleman by allowing advertisers to buy reviews directly on your blog.
█ ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস এ আপনার ভিসিটরদের পোস্ট করা কমেন্ট বিষয়ক প্লাগিন্সঃ
- Subscribe To Comments – Allows readers to recieve notifications of new comments that are posted to an entry.
- WP AJAX Edit Comments – Allows users and admins to edit comments on a post inline using AJAX.
- Close Old Posts – Closes comments on old posts without any DB queries.
- WP Grins – allows you to put clickable smilies on your post and comments forms.
- Live Comment Preview – the simplest way to get live comment previews on your site.
- Show Top Commentators – Encourage more discussion from your readers, by displaying their names and number of comments they have made recently to your sidebar.
- MyAvatars – shows MyBlogLogs avatars in your comments
- Comment Relish – Sends a thank you e-mail to your first time commentators.
- Favatars – displays the favicon associated with the commenters website.
- Dofollow – lets you remove the nofollow attribute from your comments.
- OpenID Comments for WordPress – allows users to leave comments using their OpenID.
- Extended Comment Options – allows you to switch comments and/or pings on or off for batches of existing posts.
- Get Recent Comments – displays excerpts of the most recent comments and/or trackbacks that have been posted to the articles in your blog.
এছাড়াও অনেক অনেক প্লাগিন্স আছে, যেগুলো আমাদের সচরাচর লাগে না, তারপরেও শেয়ার করলাম। যদি কারো লাগে...
█ অন্যান্য প্লাগিন্সঃ
- Simple Tags – This is one of my most favorite plugins. It makes my WordPress Tagging life so much easier. It helps with Auto completion, Suggested Tags, Tag Cloud Widgets, Related Posts, Mass edit tags.
- Executable PHP Widget – Like the Text widget, but it will take PHP code as well. Very handy for inserting custom ‘php’, ‘html’, ‘javascript’ in the sidebar.
- SyntaxHighlighter Plus – A plugin to highlight any code in your posts or pages. very handy if you use example codes in your Blog.
- WordPress Newsletter subscription – Creates a simple form to collect subscription requests to newsletter software managed mailing lists.
- WP-Polls – Adds an AJAX poll system to your WordPress blog. Allows you to easily include a poll into your WordPress’s blog post/page.
- No Self Pings – This plugin does exactly what the name suggests.
- Exclude Pages – This plugin lets you manually exclude WordPress pages from the navigation menu. Comes in handy when you are trying to create hidden pages.
- WP Smush.it – This WordPress plugin reduces image file size and improve performance using the Smush.it API within WordPress. Everytime you upload an image to your media uploader this plugin will automatically compress the image without losing quality!
ইউটিউবে আমাদের সাকসক্রাইভ করুন আইটি বিডি জোনে
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